Here are some common jargon which you may encounter when looking into web design, and the straightforward English translation.

broadband - a particularly fast way of using the internet using the phone    line still but part of it not used for voice calls.

domain - the place where your site is (in cyberspace) or the address of your website.

flash - a type of program/language that allows animations to be put together, often for use on web sites

Jargon Explained

hosting - the physical acting of having the website files on a computer which allows others to access it via the world wide web

modem - the bit of your computer (either inside or outside) that allows it to communicate via a phone line, with other computers on the www.

URL - universal/unique resource locator

www - the world wide web (the internet)


Still confused?! Then send us an email and we'll answer it and add your busted jargon to this page.

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